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"My character is not real loved, so 15-year-old girls come up to me and call me "bitch" They yell, "I can't believe you did that to Joey. Don't you know she belongs with Dawson?" I try to explain that I don't write the stuff-I just say it-but they don't seem ro quite get the whole distinction between TV and reality."
-Michelle Williams, Maxim

Jennifer- season1

Jennifer Lindley is one of four main characters on the WB show Dawson's Creek. She arrived to Capeside after living a wild life in New York City ("I dated the doorman at the Curtain, and the Club Retro was so 5 minutes ago.") and stirred up the life in the peaceful small town. The "dreamerboy" Dawson (James Van Der Beek) fell head over heels for her, and managed to totaly ignore the fact that he's best friend Joey Potter (Katie Holmes) was lusting after him.

But Dawson's picture of Jen changes when he realizes that she's not as innocent as he'd thought. In midseason Jen confesses  a past that envolves loosing her virginity at a very early age, drinking, partying, sleeping around and being caught having sex in her parents bed.

At first, Dawson freaks out but they kiss and make up. Everything is fine until Billy, one of  Jen's old ex-boyfriends arrive in Capeside to take her back. Everything gets out of control when Jen is forced to choose between her new life and her past. She gets irritated at Dawson and Billy for forcing her decision and decides that she's better off single. But when Dawson suddenly seems to open up his eyes to childhood friend Joey, Jen realizes her mistake and regrets  dumping him.

Jen- season 2

In season 2, she's back with a shorter hairdo and a different approach. She goes back to being more like her New York self and with some help from Abby Morgan (Monica Keena) she decides to win Dawson back. During season 2 you can follow her going from good-girl to bad-girl and then something in between.  She decides it's safer being just friends with Dawson and becomes his friends when he's going trough a rough period with Joey. Jen also makes a new friend: Jack McPhee who becomes her strong shoulder to lean on.

But Jen is clearly unhappy with her life, confessing suicidal thoughts ("Jack, I don't wanna die, but I just didn't care enough to run.") and showing her unhappiness to Dawson during a weak moment  at Chris party.  Her life seems to be a rollercoaster and she's trying hard to find some balance.

Love her or hate her, or don't even care- Jen is surely destined to stir up Capeside some more in  the future...


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